Used in Wellington's south-eastern suburbs to describe all aspects of theft. A person who steals something is a feefola, equally when something has been stolen it has been feefola'd. For example "Oh shit, Rangi. My fuckin' pencil case has been feefola'd!" Or "Give that back you Feefola!" For readers not in tune with New Zealand working class speech patterns, feefola is a 'fresh' way of saying 'Thief'.
(Feef and Teef (a contraction of the rhyming slang "tea-leaf" were in common use in Nottingham, as was the more political "tax". Yeah, 'cos tax is just legal theft, yeah? Right, brothers? - Log)
(Feef and Teef (a contraction of the rhyming slang "tea-leaf" were in common use in Nottingham, as was the more political "tax". Yeah, 'cos tax is just legal theft, yeah? Right, brothers? - Log)
written by Du*ald C*ark, approved by Log
Taxing could, however, be countered by the cunning use of a 'super tax' - it was in monopoly, therefore could be used legitimately. Unfortunately with nowhere to go after super tax - mega tax wasn't allowed - many decided that 'you bent twat' and a fight was the next logical conclusion. Which it was. And still is.
written by pe*roce*li*., approved by Log