Blatant disregard of being sent out of class
Jon Fennell got sent out of history - can't remember why. What I DO remember is that moments later, the classroom door crashed open and Jon burst in 'riding' an industrial floor waxer, 'revving' the handlebars and shouting 'VHRUMMM! VHRUMMM!'.
I don't think I've ever felt more love for another man than at that moment.
I don't think I've ever felt more love for another man than at that moment.
written by An*y Ma*sh, approved by Phil
Dennis was told to leave Chemistry by Mrs Tench. For some minutes, he continued to pull faces and flip v-signs at the window. Mrs Tench announced, rightly, that he would get bored of his juvenile behaviour if we just ignored him.
Sure enough, he disappeared. Minutes later, he roared past the windows of the classroom in Mrs Tench's crash helmet, riding Mrs Tench's moped.
Mrs Tench remained admirably stoic throughout the incident, ignoring Dennis' antics until other teachers dismounted him mid-donut and led him away.
Sure enough, he disappeared. Minutes later, he roared past the windows of the classroom in Mrs Tench's crash helmet, riding Mrs Tench's moped.
Mrs Tench remained admirably stoic throughout the incident, ignoring Dennis' antics until other teachers dismounted him mid-donut and led him away.
written by To*y *reen, approved by Log
In a desperate bid to end the scrunched-up paper-ball war that erupted in the middle of a chemistry lesson, our substitute teacher took an unusual step.
Adam had belted one at the whiteboard which, unfortunately, connected with the teacher's forehead. He told Adam to come to the front of the class, while drawing a circle on the white board. Adam was then intructed to put his nose in the circle, presumably in the same way that dog's noses are rubbed in shit.
With a patronising disdain, Adam eyed the substitute, emitted a weary 'Oh, do fuck off', and elected to send himself out of the class with a swagger, to a ripple of awestruck applause. The look of eyebrow-raised disbelief on the substitute's face suggested the law of immunity in excess had been applied.
Adam had belted one at the whiteboard which, unfortunately, connected with the teacher's forehead. He told Adam to come to the front of the class, while drawing a circle on the white board. Adam was then intructed to put his nose in the circle, presumably in the same way that dog's noses are rubbed in shit.
With a patronising disdain, Adam eyed the substitute, emitted a weary 'Oh, do fuck off', and elected to send himself out of the class with a swagger, to a ripple of awestruck applause. The look of eyebrow-raised disbelief on the substitute's face suggested the law of immunity in excess had been applied.
written by excluded pupil, approved by Conor
So annoyed was our Irish teacher with one lad's persistent attempts to derail a lesson that he reached over two desks, caught hold of the boy's lapels and, in time-honoured Regan-from-the-Sweeney-fashion, began to shake the living shite out of him, proclaiming "YOU'VE INTERRUPTED ME FOR THE LAST TIME, YE WEE TUBE YE!!", through the most gritted teeth I had ever seen, at that stage in my 13-year existence. Mr X then proceeded to haul the boy over the aforementioned desks and throw him out onto the corridor. He then did that "Anybody else want some?" routine, believing that peace would now reign over the class. He hadn't realised that one of the pupil's shoes had come off in the altercation and completely lost it when the boy feebly tapped the door and came in waving a white sock in mock surrender to ask the teacher if he could have his shoe back.
written by Ai*an *oh*rty, approved by Jamie