1. Brand of orange. The advert's slogan was "small ones are more juicy - naturally" accompanied by jug-heavy Mungo Jerry hit "In The Summertime". Therefore,
2. Thing to say to someone with small but perfectly acceptable breasts.
3. Also can be said post-sex to a man whose small penis has just saturated your duvet, surprising you both. "Why, Mr Patterson! Small ones are more juicy!"
"Naturally," replies Mr Patterson,laughing.
2. Thing to say to someone with small but perfectly acceptable breasts.
3. Also can be said post-sex to a man whose small penis has just saturated your duvet, surprising you both. "Why, Mr Patterson! Small ones are more juicy!"
"Naturally," replies Mr Patterson,laughing.
written by Su*an*To*acco, Jo* B*yth, approved by Susan