baby babylon
Baby Babylon was the name Andrew Karkutt gave to an appealing BusyBody character. BusyBodies were like chunkier, friendlier Lego people, with infinitely more convincing hats. Baby Babylon became the mascot for a range of cleaning products, which involved shouting "there's shit in my trousers" then whispering "Baby Babylon"
He was later joined by The Poo With The Flaxen Hair, who had this theme tune;
The Poo with the Flaxen Hair,
The Poo with the Flaxen Hair,
They seek him here, they seek him there,
The Poo with the Flaxen Hair.
Then there was Megaslap, just about the only thing I could draw. Here they are, the pricks.
He was later joined by The Poo With The Flaxen Hair, who had this theme tune;
The Poo with the Flaxen Hair,
The Poo with the Flaxen Hair,
They seek him here, they seek him there,
The Poo with the Flaxen Hair.
Then there was Megaslap, just about the only thing I could draw. Here they are, the pricks.
written by Jo* B*yt*, approved by Log