barrow gurney
A mentalist. Barrow Gurney was the name of the Psychiatric Hospital near Bristol, and became a generic term of abuse. The name was perfect - the natural face of the spastic being a happy gurn, and their primary mode of transport being the wheelbarrow. The second word should be drawn out: Barrow Guuuuuurney!
written by Pe*er Ga*ston, approved by Log

In Wakefield we had the Stanley Royd infirmary, and I challenge anyone - Wakefield native or otherwise - to say the word Royd without thinking about the mentally ill. In particular, thinking of a young tardlet called Stanley Royd introducing himself to a smiling and plainly uncomfortable class.
This inspiring institution ensured the continuing popularity of spacker-derived insults for Wakefield's schoolboys well into the post-Deacon era.
written by Ke*in De*ghton, approved by Susan