peanut shootout
A game for peanut allergy sufferers. The boy with the allergy puts his mouth at the end of the table. Other boys try to flick peanuts into his mouth. He is allowed to use a Coke bottle as a goalkeeper.
written by Ro*in*, approved by Log
Similar to Revels Russian Roulette. Find some kid who's allergic to peanuts, and offer him Revel. He has a 1 in 6 chance of it containing a peanut. Even more fun if your victim doesn't realise that those sweets you're genourously offering are Revels.
Interestingly, revels nicked this game and turned it into a 'deer hunter' spoof advert. Only the 'fatal' revel was a coffee one. Cowards.
Interestingly, revels nicked this game and turned it into a 'deer hunter' spoof advert. Only the 'fatal' revel was a coffee one. Cowards.
written by excluded pupil, approved by Log