An excellent ruse. This involved asking a victim if they had "Skill". They would warily answer yes, which was a mistake. Skill, it was hilariously revealed, is an African bum-disease. The victim was of course trapped by the initial question, as to not have Skill was an obvious admission of being a total gaylord. (Interestingly, both definitions called it an African Bum Disease)
written by Ja*es *cCor*ack, Ri*hard *ytch, approved by Log
We were unaware of African Bum Diseases - "skill" to us stood for Spastic Kid In Lesbo-Land. Which, at the age of 6, shows a premature appreciation of the lesbian arts.
written by Ad*m , approved by Log
Skill actually means a spot on a dog's bum. So there.
written by St*fa* All*rha*d, approved by Log
All of you are stupid and wrong. It is dolphin poo.
written by Go*li* , approved by Log
It is skil with one 'l' that is the bum disease. With two l's it is the regular use of skill, which is "great", or "wicked". Although it is difficult to tell the two apart in everyday conversation.
written by Gu* S*ar*dyc*t, approved by Log
While Skill's country of origin was never widely known (or cared about) at our school, it was first and foremost a BUMMER'S disease, not a BUM disease, which is an entirely different thing and a deeply important clarification.
It was conceivable that you could pick up a bum disease just by not wiping your arse properly, or sitting on a fat kid's coat, for example. There was only one way of getting a bummer's disease.
It was conceivable that you could pick up a bum disease just by not wiping your arse properly, or sitting on a fat kid's coat, for example. There was only one way of getting a bummer's disease.
written by Le*gh*L., approved by Susan
Nope, it's definitely African Bum Disease. There was a kid at school that had it. Honestly.
written by To* Ric*ar*son, approved by Phil
Also an acronym for Spazzy Kid In Lezbo Land
written by Le*on *ur*y, approved by Log
I always believed the true meaning of 'skill' to mean penguin poo, therefore telling people that you were skill meant that you resembled the contents of a penguin's anus. All these other entries have totally disillusioned me... now I don't know what to believe.
written by Al*st*ir G*ay, approved by Log
Walking behind one of the popular/trendy kids on the way to school, I overheard him say,
"Mum, I'm cool and wicked and skill!"
"Save that for your school friends, Adrian," she said back.
He never quite regained his status after I let that one out.
"Mum, I'm cool and wicked and skill!"
"Save that for your school friends, Adrian," she said back.
He never quite regained his status after I let that one out.
written by Th* Sl*nn*ng, approved by Ponky
Skill meant two things at our school - African Bum Disease, or Penguin Poo. At a class reunion, I imagine many of us would agree that this was a useful introduction to the fluid and essentially subjective nature of language.
written by an*ny*ous *ser, approved by Log