Report for Rock Hardon
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SummaryShows promise

We discovered the name of our wierdo gay physics teacher one day when his teacher friend came into our class to speak to our form teacher. The only words we heard were:
"Two things, Barry Berndes..."
Which quickly became the most said thing ever. To this day, I try to get myself into situations where I have two points to make to someone, so I can say "Two things.......
Barry Berndes".
Often, I miss out crucial third things just so that I can say it. Shame I don't work with anyone else who was in my class really. If I did, meetings would be ace.

I played the drums in a band called Satanic Asylum. Our debut single Frisbee Grenade was also the title of our first album, which also included such songs as Nervous Auntie, Sick On My Shoes, Bone Cancer, I Love You (Despite Your Appalling Injuries) and Incest Vest.
Actually, when I say I played the drums, I mean that I would have played them if we had any drums, or in fact if we did anything more than make up song titles and lyrics. But we could have been huge.