flids, flidding
Based on the hilarious thalidomide tragedy, in which pregnant women were prescribed a drug to treat the symptoms of morning sickness. Worked a treat, but it also caused the children to be born with a seemingly random collection of limbs. Easily simulated by pressing your wrists against your shoulders and flapping them like an eager seal. The links are therefore obvious - if you've demonstrated lower than average dexterity, you are a flid, and all your actions amount to nothing but flidding.
written by Ro*ky S*ore P*rve*t, approved by Log

My friend used this phrase to rather astutely refer to someone who, upon taking their first E runs around the nearest group of people they know shouting "I'm on E! I'm on E! I'm on E! I'm on E!" while waving their arms like those stupid little flowers that react enthusiastically to any sound whatsoever.
written by To*an , approved by Log