Report for Gareth May
Approved stories1
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SummaryShows promise

The drain in the middle of our playground always used to always have a layer of slimy mud-crust swilling around it.
The dirtiest person in the school was deemed to own this drain - after maintaining this ownership for several weeks, Leslie eventually had the swamp named after her.
If you were pushed into her swamp, then you were forced to marry Leslie. This made you one of Leslie's Lezzies - if you were a girl. Boys just became her regular husband, which made them gay. Because even skiddy boys' bums were cleaner than Leslie's toxic shock factory.

For some odd reason at our school the song was:

My little Pony, Skinny and Boney,
Take her to bed, and bite off her head,

As i recall no-one actually bit off any horses head.