Report for Nick Saalfeld
Approved stories1
Rejected stories1
SummaryExemplary Child

At the tender age of 10, Knight Rider is everything. I have never seen the episode in question repeated, but in it the hapless Hoff puts his foot down and utters the immortal line "Pedal to the metal, sweetheart". This must have made a great impression on me, for the next day at breaktime, during a frenetic game of tag in which I made my trademark driving noises, I yelled at the top of my voice "Pedal to the metal, sweetheart" while accelerating away.

The sudden playground silence which greeted the remark was, I suspect, a joy to behold, followed moments later by bewildered chortling, and, a moment after that, unabashed laughter followed by violence. The fact that I was fairly chubby and probably accelerating like a laden barge is, in this instance, merely an aside.

At primary school, I entirely innocently came across the word "ejaculated" in a Billy Bunter book during my English lesson.

(I have found the reference here: search for "ejaculate" on the page)

I sensibly put up my hand and asked our teacher, Steve Patton, what it meant. He came over and hit me. Quite hard. It was some seven years before I found out why, and rather too late to protest.