Report for Gordius Groble
Approved stories1
SummaryPerfectly Exquisite

Also also see also:

What's the time?
Half past nine
Hang your knickers on the line,
When they're dry,
Bring them in
Put them in the biscuit tin.
When the vicar comes to tea,
All the biscuits taste of wee.

This is particularly damning, implying that:
1) You wee in your knickers.
2) You're so pikey that you don't even wash them, you just hang them up to dry the wee off.
3) So pungent and copious is your incontinence that even after thorough drying your knickers are able to contaminate an entire tin of biscuits.
4) Your secret piss-knicker-biscuit shame was discovered by none other than the vicar himself.