Report for Call Jackson
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SummaryShows promise

At my old school we had an annual fete, and every year there would be a raffle. The prizes would be boxes made up of items that parents and others had donated, and there were different categories, such as the 'Chocolate' box, the 'Bathroom' box and, by far the best, the 'Surprise' box, where the mystery contents were wrapped in fancy paper!
One day, walking across the playground, my friend and I saw a nice ripe piece of dogshit; so we got a cereal box, stole some tape and some pink poster paper, and wrapped our piece of shit up, slipping it in to the 'Surprise' box before lunch.
Sadly, we never found out who won the 'Surprise' box, but we hope whoever it was one day visits this wonderful website and realizes it was me that gave them a big shit in a Coco Pops box.

Cockfingers says...For fuck's sake

I have a friend I’m not going say his name because I don't think he'd want me to. He's a very silent person he just keeps his head down and walks with us doesn't say a word. One day he was walking through Cherry Hinton (in Cambridge where we live) when at the bottom of the road he saw about 12 pikis.

He considered road crossing but just carried on walking he was half way past them when they stopped him and said "what you saying about my mum?" (In more of a piki way of course as you can imagine) he just silently walked past them as usual. They just carried on following him and backed him into a corner then the silent little person looked up from the floor and said to all of these pikis "I'm sorry I don't speak inbred" he then of course got his head well and truly kicked in, but still when I said to him the following Monday at school "I bet you regret saying that now ah" he still said "not at all"

Me and my friend who are writing this have a friend who is more then a little bit of a retard, his name is Sean Bennett, any way our friend Tom and us liked to take the piss out of this by going “you're a heterosexual!” and he'd say “No I’m not, but you are!” And this is in year 11

Other insults are

Mark Williams once said “your not Homicidal!” To which he replied “Yeah I am!”

Callum Jackson (me) once said you’re a homo-sapient replied to with “No you are!”

But since we had said the homo-sapient line he got used to it so one day we said you’re a homo erectus the reply was “I know!”

Sean Bennett is easily the best retard we ever met