Report for Bryce Hamilton
Approved stories1
Deleted stories6
SummaryMean Boy

I was briefly the manager of "Beat My Box". A high concept beat box band. We never played in public.

We had a lgendary music teacher called Mr. Ritchie. He had the nickname of "Mabausa" (say in Scottish accent) Mabausa Ritchie. Also once played the theme from Monty Python on the organ as the teachers entered assembly (mainly to piss of the Headmaster). Cue loud and hilarious "rasberry" from 600+ boys as the faculty take their seats...

Steven Mustardy gave himself the nickname "Tomcat". When this failed to take root he ammended it to "TC". He left our school shortly thereafter.

We were shocked when our teacher Mr McGregor started refering to our classmate and freind as Ping Pong Fong. I guess being old and close to retirement means never having to say 'inappropriate'.

Ian Gibbs (known to all as Gibby) was a legendary lier at our school. Lies included the IRA shooting his dog 14 times with a shotgun for reasons unknown. He also raced speedboats of a weekend, however was forced to stop by his parents after flipping over and killing his co-pilot. Yes Gibby, oh course you did.

Nick-name of our large-bosomed headmistress. For best effect you would shout louder and louder "Thunder... Thunder... THUNDER... THUNDER TITS!!!", accompanied by stretching your jumper out as far as possible to resemble massive, albeit pointy, breasts.

At the height of our yo-yo craze my spiffy black Hot Wheels yo-yo was confiscated by my Head Mistress (for reasons unclear). Months after this devastating loss I has hauled in to her office again. As she was bollocking me she opened her drawer and there was MY yo-yo still sitting in there. I'm sure she did it just to taunt me and re-open my emotional wounds. The bitch.