Report for Anonymous .
Approved stories2
Deleted stories (hidden) 1
SummaryExemplary Child

The child holding the ball is the queer. It is the job of all the other children to smear him. To wit, hard-tackle him as violently as possible.
The phrase smear the queer has no connotations with smearing poo around his anus. Using your penis.

Actually, the accepted (and proper) usage is to go up to someone and say "If you lickadickaday say what." If this was said quickly enough, the other person would often automatically say "What?", thereby confirming that they do, indeed, perform an act of fellatio on a daily basis. Like a big honking poovter, or slag.

I don't know what kind of retard school you lot went to, where you just straight asked people if they licked a dick a day, and expected them to say yes. You big dumb apes.