Report for Alfred Overy
Approved stories2
Deleted stories (hidden) 1
SummaryExemplary Child

Super-heroes have been quite the thing recently, and showing unusual popular awareness, our local church decided to surf the zeitgeist.
Children attending church days were no longer sub-roleplaying gorks. They were Super-Heroes who attended Mission HQ (the village hall) to receive top-secret (cos no-one bothered going) assignments!
This rebranding of the church was backed up with a series of A4 posters containing all the vaguely hero-related clip-art the vicar could throw at it.
Needless to say, with a single stroke of the pen, these posters were amended to offer the children of the parish a rare strain of Super-Herpes.

Something your mother may well say when you bustle in from primary school demanding a cheese and marmite sandwich and WHEN IS ANDY CRANE ON?
The correct response to this is a dismissive flick of the wrist, with "I had her killed for her outrageous insolence".
This exchange with my mother continues to this day, except now the demands are for my uniform to be ironed. And cheese and marmite sandwiches. The correct response is now "She forms the most recent chapter in a sorry saga of murdered slaves, all of whom asked that very fucking question".