Overhead Projector
It’s always good to see smoke and fumes coming out of things. In the case of the overhead projector, this is achieved by pushing thin blue plastic straws into the cooling fan.
written by Ba*a B*ng, approved by Susan

Mr Bright taught commerce. He taught it with such a passion that spit would fly out of his mouth.
This was bad enough, but when he was using an overhead projector, the very considerable amount of spit that landed on the sheets was magnified, heated, and projected onto the wall.
It was the saliva equivalent of shitting onto a glass-topped coffee table, but with thirty children sitting underneath.
written by an*nymou* us*r, approved by Log

Two interesting things about overhead projectors:

1) They get pretty hot.
2) Inside one is the last place your teacher will think of looking when trying to trace the smell of hot, week-old rotting kipper.

In retrospect, this is best used in someone else's form room.
written by an*nymo*s us*r, approved by Matt