Ip dip, dog shit
Method of choosing the 'it' for games such as 'British Bulldog' and '49 save all'. Someone (usually a bossy girl) would start pointing at people on each syllable of 'ip dip dog shit, you are not it'. The chosen one, relieved, would leave the circle. With only eight syllables, it shouldn't have been too hard to fix, but to my knowledge no-one was that clever at that age.
written by Je*f S*an*en, approved by Phil

Ip, dip, dog shit,
Fucking bastard, little git,
You are not it
Obviously the second line serves no purpose, apart from sounding very adult.
written by excluded pupil, Ha*ry*Ni*e, approved by Log

Stand in a line? Rubbish? Everyone playing in the game put one of their feet in the dip and the bossiest kid got to do whatever rhyme they knew. On special occasions, you were allowed to put both feet in. This made it exactly twice as much fun.
written by An*rew *ro* Ra*stock, approved by Susan

Our song went:
Emilia Mason chundered in the basin,
What colour was her puke?

The person you landed on would say a colour, such as red. You would spell out R-E-D, and the person who got the D was out and therefore not it. Emilia was a girl in my class who as far as I know never actually puked in a basin, but we didn't let that get in the way of a satisfying rhyme.
written by Je*ly T*t, approved by Matt