A good time to ridicule Jehova's Witnesses is to talk about your Christmas presents in front of one. In particular, ask four or five people what they got before you get to the Jehova, pause, then ask them what they got. Word of warning - make sure you do not ask a poor kid what they got in the build up, or else he might accidentally become the object of ridicule. See also knock knock jokes.
written by Jo* Blyt*, approved by Log

Clive (aka Olive, as capital C's in his handwriting were marginally closer to an O than anyone else's), the Jehovah kid in our class used to get more Christmas cards than anyone else, which was clearly hilarious. He never lived it down when he mistakenly told us he'd had beans on toast for Christmas dinner.
written by Br*eze , approved by Susan

Had two girls at my school (sisters) who were jehovahs. We thought they were really luckly cos they didn't go to assembly and got to sit and draw or whatever while we learnt about god and stuff. Not so lucky now as the younger one died after being squashed against a wall by the school bus. She would have lived if she could have had a blood transfusion. Bastards.
written by be*ki mo*s, approved by Log