A 'dangly-greenie' was some greened hock which could be spit out slowly and dangled from the mouth (generally over the face of your victim) which had enough flexibility to be sucked up and down at will. Competitions for the longest dangly-greenie were held regularly - if you could let it touch the ground and then suck it back up, you were a master-dangler.
written by An*n , approved by Log

Also known as "absailors"
written by Jo*n Che*tham, approved by Phil

We had the same sort of thing in the US. More of a dangly-orangy. We'd drink orange juice, leaving a nice, sticky, orange mess in one's mouth in place of spit. Then we'd do the dangle.
Someone had the genuinely bright idea of using potato chips (crisps to the Brits) as targets. Bonus points would be awarded if you could dangle your spit, pick up a chip, and direct it to your mouth.
written by excluded pupil, approved by Log