animal farm
The name of a mystical pornographical film, in which a man makes love to a chicken, and a woman is taken by a horse. Someone's brother had a copy, of course, but if you all ran around their house, all 200 of you, and piled into their bedroom, they'd have lent it to someone. Someone from another school who was even older, who wouldn't give it back until you'd all found out about WASP, and started singing "I Fuck Like A Beast", and couldn't care less about men shagging chickens anymore. This all seems quite old hat, now that 4 year olds are getting emailed videos of wanking monkeys and men running their heads into an elephant's fanny. Porn just isn't sacred anymore.
written by Jo* Bl*th, approved by Log

I actually saw this film once, and the thing is, the strange white haired old guy in the film does actually try to insert himself into a chicken, but it doesn't work and he goes and shags a cow instead.
The bit with the eels was the most informative.
written by Ha*ry N*ce, approved by Log

Supposedly owned by my best friend's brother and shown at the big-kid parties. The same big kid parties at which the slutty girls got frozen hot dogs lodged in special places.
Glad to know I'm not the only one who's been searching the local rental racks in vain.
written by Mi*ty*Nuck*ll*, approved by Log