Dirty Duck
After successfully getting someone to turn around when you say "Look over there - it's Bobby Davro!" compound their shame by taunting them with the following rhyme:
Made you look,
Dirty duck,
You stuck your head in cow muck

You see? They stuck their head in cow muck. Because they turned around.
Also consider "Made you look, made you stare, made you lose your underwear."
written by Ni*k Hu*t, approved by Log

I made you look, I made you stare,
I made you cut the barber's hair,
The barber's hair was full of dicks,
I made you eat them all but six.
The six dicks (dickies, or lice - not willies) could then stage a kind of post-apocolypse Friends.
written by Cr*ig*Hud*on, approved by Log