You've been boabyed!!!
A game similar to speednob, but without the speed element. Simply steal the book, folder, homework diary and draw a cock at your leisure, with the caption "You've been boabyed!". Boaby being Scottish slang for a dick.
(Wasn't there a character called Fat Boab in the Oor Wullie cartoon? And wasn't his other mate called Soapy? So Willy hangs out with a soapy fat cock? Is this a commonly known thing in Scotland that I've only just worked out? - Log)
written by Ch*is D, approved by Log

Log - you're spot on, but you forgot the very childish other connection of Wee Eck. 'Wee' of course being urine. Like Wee Eck. Get it? Oh dear, this isn't good enough is it?
written by Po*e Gr*gory, approved by Phil