Goose milk
This was the name I unwittingly coined for a kind of prototype Nesquik pink milkshake which was occasionally foisted on us at primary school in place of a proper pudding. As we all suspiciously sniffed and sipped it upon its debut appearance, I declared that it tasted like goose milk - my uncle was a farmer so everyone reckoned I must be an expert in such matters. This scandal soon reached the ears of Alison Beaumont's mum, a renowned busybody who promptly wrote to the headmistress to point out that goose milk was no fit beverage for growing children.
written by excluded pupil, approved by Phil

One girl in my class was convinced the school milk came from rabbits. How the hell she thought you'd fit a milking machine on tiny little rabbit baps I have no idea.

My brother used to put pink food colouring (not Nesquik or anything cool, just dye) in milk and call it dragon's milk. Why he didn't get beaten up more often I have no idea either.
written by excluded pupil, approved by Matt