Example of a hereditary nickname, which curses all members of a family as they progress throughout the school. Began when Farmer Senior, a typical fuckwit, thrashed the rest of the class in the 'farming proficiency' test, getting something like 95%. Farmer Junior smoked vast amounts of gear and, to the best of anyone's knowledge, didn't know which way of a cow was up.
written by V , approved by Log

A guy at our school arrived complete with his dad's nickname - I suspect it was the only thing of value he could bless him with. His dad had played with the school football team one Tuesday and scored his first and only hat-trick. Potential nicknames: Hat-Trick Hero, Pele, Roy of the Rovers, Hot Shot. Actual nickname - Tuesday.

Actually his Dad did also pass on his genetic propensity for cigarettes, violence and stupidity.
written by Gr*at *oa*, approved by Rosy