Queynte, a noun occuring in Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. The Miller, being a sanguine and bawdy character, was prone to grabbing women by their queynte, much like a cross between a bowling ball and a mitten.
In the same way you can briefly get away with the word bastard during discussions of Nativity Plays, reading the Miller's Tale is the one time you can say the word cunt to a teacher, safe in the knowledge that you are appreciating an etymology, and not simply saying cunt.
written by Ji*bo*B., approved by Susan

I'm sure the word 'testicles' is in the Bible some where. Can anyone back me up here? Maybe I just read 'Genesis' and thought it said 'genitals'.
Thanks for your Bible query, Jamie. A quick search of bible.com has just thrown up the fact that the word testicles does not appear in the Bible. Other slightly sexy books of the Bible you might be getting confused are Sexodus, Bumbers, Gaymos, or Bonah - Log)
written by ma*ronb*y ng*gg., approved by Phil

Regarding the testicles thing; the original texts, in Aramaic and so forth, do contain words that can be translated as "testicles". However, since the kind of person who can be arsed to translate a dull and badly written piece of fiction into English are exactly the kind of person who will baulk at using the word "testicles", you will not often find a version of the bible containing the word "testicles".
However, you can find a version of the bible containing fashion tips and dating advice, including the gem that "God made guys to be the leaders, so girls shouldn't ever ask guys out or call a guy". I shit you not.
written by Ji*bo *., approved by Log

"He that is wounded in the stones, or hath his privy member cut off, shall not enter into the congregation of the LORD." Deuteronomy 23:1
written by Ro*s G*llson, approved by Mansh