Boba Fett's backpack
I spent most of my time as a four-year-old trying to prise the rocket out of the backpack of the Boba Fett Star Wars action figure. I was sure that, once the rocket was detached, Boba Fett's backpack would open up new worlds of entertainment.

Boba Fett's rocket was not detachable. There was no entertainment to be had in his backpack. I'm sure there's a valuable life lesson to be learned in this somewhere, but I can't detach the damned rocket to find out what it is.
written by To* Gil*oa, approved by Phil

Originally, Kenner's Boba Fett action doll was designed to have a fireable spring-loaded rocket in his backpack. However, being American, Kenner then decided that this was a sure route to being sued in a succession of damaged eye/nose/urethra lawsuits, and so ensured that Boba's rocket was glued in place. Just to put your infant mind at rest.

Incidentally, yes I am a massive geek, and received the requisite amount of beatings for this at school. I now work making video games, which are designed with the express intent of making all your kids fat and gay. Ha ha.
written by an*ny*ous *ser, disapproved by Phil