illy dilly dog's willy
Another way of choosing who's 'It'. As well as the more mundane 'Eenie Meenie Minie Mo', there was the one about Inky Pinky Lane, and the my personal favourite, illy dilly dog's willy.
Illy Dilly Dog's Willy
Inside Out
Press A Little Button
And the shit flies... OUT!
written by Pe*er G*sston, approved by Log

Ip Dip was another variant. It ran thusly:
Ip Dip, Dog shit
Hanging off a lady's tit.
O U T Spells OUT you must go.
Why any lady would have dog shit on her tits, or how this related to why one boy or girl must go 'out' has never been adequately explained. Perhaps it was that child's mother.
written by Pe*er Ma*sh*ll, approved by Log