Cupboards, possessed
If you hear strange banging noises emanating from a cupboard, and you've recently heard someone talking about a pirate copy of The Exorcist, then you are likely to believe that the cupboard is possessed by the Devil, who for some reason is interested in occupying a space holding hamster feed, balls of wool and eight-year old boxes of tampons for the more 'advanced' girls.
That the noises might be caused by kids in the classroom on the other side of the wall playing Granny's Garden on a computer and kicking the wall out of sheer boredom, would not occur to you. At least, not if you are David Malone.

This led to David asking Reverend Quine (in one of his weekly religious education visits) if he could exorcise the cupboard. Assemblies about offending visiting guests followed, and David wasn't asked to go in the cupboard for wool again.
written by excluded pupil, approved by Matt