lego lover
A form of perversion based on the insertion of a lego flagpole up - of course - the arse. If girls ever did this sort of thing, then maybe there'd be something interesting stuck up the front bumhole, but no. Girls either didn't do this sort of stuff, or don't talk about it, or don't visit my website. Aha - probably the latter. I've only just thought of that.
written by Jo* Bl*th, Da* Wake*y, approved by Log

Someone gave me a link to a picture on of a woman with a fork in her 'front bottom.' Is that the type of thing you're after?
written by Da*y *, approved by Susan

Not entirely true Log, when having a conversation on this particular subject with one of my ex-girlfriends (name omitted for legal reasons) I was informed that as an eight year old discovering the intricacies of the female form, she had once experimented with the leg of a Barbie doll. My all too prompt request to re-enact the sordid scene was unfortunately declined.
Bloody woman never did let me have any fun.
written by Mo*se *arden, approved by Log

Jenny Turrell used to look like Jimmy Nail. This would lead to people interrupting conversations she was having, to inform the other person "she's lying", just like in the hit song "Ain't No Doubt".
She says
I don't want nobody else, I love you
She's lying
There won't be somebody else and that's true
She's lying
Say you'll always be my friend sweet darling

Note that Jimmy says "she's lying" more than once, so it was perfectly acceptable for us to do the same. Anyway, it was rumoured that Jenny stuck Lynx Deodorant and a kind of plant up her arse. Her denials were ably met with;
"She's lying."
written by an*nymou* u*er, approved by Log