Well Cooked Chicken
A standard Domestic Science question of how to ensure Salmonella cannot survive in your chicken. The right answer was to check that the juices run clear when cooked. The wrong answer, but treated with understanding by Teacher, was to freeze it first (doesn't kill germs, just stops them breeding apparently). Wilby's answer of 'marinading it in Domestos' was treated with weary disdain.
written by Ja*ed F*ol, approved by Mansh

Huh, call THAT 'Weary disdain'? In one of our early food technology lessons, we were told to design menus for a fictional restaurant.

The highpoint of this lesson was when we convinced our nice but naive friend Becky that 'spunk' was in fact a type of cheese and she duely put 'spunk sandwiches' on her menu and handed it in. THAT, my friend was 'weary disdain'.
written by Bi*nic*Sheep, approved by Mansh