The pulling of a tie so that the knot is so small that it can only be undone with microscopic needles. A defence is to tie a two pence coin into the knot - although you may be called a jew or a gyppo if it is discovered that you keep two pees in secret hiding places.
written by Ji*bob*N, approved by Log

I witnessed a severe case of peanutting in which the victim, rather alarmingly began to turn purple, choke and cough up blood.
written by Sh*il* ., approved by Phil

The term for extreme peanutting is, of course, 'chokeanut'
written by an*nymo*s u*er, approved by Log

The ultimate form of the peanut, however, is the potentially mythical Atomic Peanut, where the knot becomes so small that a tiny explosion makes the kipper snap off.
written by da*e gr*en, approved by Log

At least one child in the school will have learned, probably through a familial connection, that there is a secret knot used by policemen. When tied with this knot, a tie cannot be peanutted - it simply releases, leaving the confounded crim holding a tie, and the rozzer free to throw them down the stairs.

When translated to the playground, however, this cunning trick will inevitably backfire as the peanutting bully will simply run off with your tie, leaving you to get in trouble for not wearing the correct uniform.
written by Do*glas*Finl*y, approved by Phil