cook that last sausage cold
Biology teacher, Mrs Bennison gave us this frankly forgettable mnemonic to help us remember the sections of the spinal column: Cervical, Thoracic, Lumbar, Sacral and Coccyx.
Cue a voice from the back of the class providing us with one that was much easier to remember: "Can Tony Lick Susan's Cunt?"
written by he*ry t*e th*rst, approved by Ponky

The reactivity series of metals (potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, aluminium, zinc, iron, lead, hydrogen, copper, silver, gold) may be rendered mnenomically as 'Pauline's Smelly Cunt Made Andrew's Zoo In Leeds' Hippopotamus Catch Syphilis and Gangrene.
Effective? The co-author (my mate Colin) is now a professional metallurgist with a fucking doctorate and everything. True.
written by excluded pupil, approved by Mansh

The 5 layers of the atmosphere are: Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Thermosphere and Exosphere.

I remember those because of a great mnemonic: The Straight Man's Testicles Exploded.

[jamie]Are we having fun yet?[/jamie]
written by excluded pupil, approved by Jamie

Ah, the power of mnemonics. Two I remember are:
A Penis Standing Tall Requires Deep Penetration
Angela Lansbury's Cunt Requires Fertile Men's Pumping Spunk.
Obviously I can't remember what they were mnemonics for. Probably something dull about chemistry.
written by ro* smit*, approved by Matt

The phrase poofs like bum love all afternoon allows school-children - or, if I'm being honest, army medics - to remember the parts of the left side of the heart. It also reminds you to be extra-diligent at lunchtime, when gay men are like Gremlins in a swimming pool.
written by To*y Gr*en, approved by Log

Tiny electrical resistors are colour-coded so that you can tell each one's, er, resistance. They're too small to write numbers on, you see.
Our teacher, a right twat, had the nmemonic 'Billy Brown Relaxes On Your Gym But Values Good Whisky' for the black, brown, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet, grey and white stripes.
We came up with the infinitely more memorable (and substantially more racist) 'Black Bastards Rape Our Young Girls But Violet Gives Willingly'.
Actual number of engineers produced from that class: zero.
written by Da*e *aylo*, approved by Mansh

A "CAST" diagram consists of Cosine, All, Sine and Tangent arranged in a little box with "SA" on the top and "TC" on the bottom. I've forgetten what this is actually for, but our Maths teacher, Shabaz Ahmed, taught us the mnemonic All Students Try Cannabis (reading anti-clockwise from A).

Despite this, I'll always remember it as Ahmed Snatches Tiny Children.
written by Du*c Cam*ro*, approved by Matt

Our tech teacher taught us the colour coding of electrical resistors using the mnemonic 'Bye-bye Roger, off you go, Birmingham via Great Western'. A poignant farewell, hinting at a moving background story - "Brokeback Mountain" set in the West Country. Or perhaps the Ohm Counties. I didn't feel it was my place to ask.
written by Ol*ie We*ls, approved by Rosy