bingo wings
The swinging flap of chunkmeat that hangs from old women's and dinner ladies' upper arms.
written by Si*on En*li*h, approved by Log

Also known as nan flaps.
written by Pe*ra Da*is, approved by Log

Also known as chamois, from the fact that they buff your car as you clean it.
Although bingo-wings are more likely to leave a sweaty grease smear on your bonnet.
written by Ka*e Wa*d, approved by Log

Also known as "minger wings" in honour of a girl of truely gargantuan sea cow proportions in my 6th form who had HAIR on hers.
I still can't think about it without gagging a little.
Oh, and she smelled of biscuits.
Aaaand she was a lezzer. She was a big minger winged, dirty, biscuit stinking, sea cow lezzer. Oh yes.
written by excluded pupil, approved by Mansh