Dungeons and Dragons
Due to my love of the cartoon of the same name, mu mum and dad got me a dungeons and dragons set for christmas one year.
On reading the instructions I quickly realised it was quite complex and not as light-hearted as the cartoon had appeared so I got an expert (my mate who's older brother was a d&d keener) to help me set it up.
Me and my other mate sat for what seemed an eternity but was probably just over an hour, rolling dices while the 'expert' wrote down the values next to our powers categories.
On rolling the final dice, the 'expert' looked at our 2 figures stood on the board, deftly flicked them over and announced 'you're dead, you're dead'.
No explanation. No Nothing. We packed the game away and went out to play footie.
written by excluded pupil, approved by Mansh