ta ra ra bum di ay
"Ta ra ra bum di ay,
my knickers flew away,
They came back yesterday,
Ta ra ra bum di ay."
This unusual narrative casts aside the traditional form of beginning, middle, end, by leaving out the middle section that can be so boring to people with low attention spans. The knickers are gone - the knickers are back. However, the repetition of the first line in the last reminds us that it is a constant cycle, and no sooner have one person's knickers returned, than another pair have flown away.
written by Jo* Bl*th, approved by Log

"Ta ra ra bum di ay, teacher did a trump today, She blew the school away, we had a holiday..."
written by Ke* Wil*ia*s, approved by Log

"Ta ra ra bum di ay
I wet my pants today
What will my mother say?
Ta ra ra bum di ay"

She'd probably say "put them in the washing machine you disgusting little pikey". Or simply sigh and look a bit sad while inwardly worrying about her child's lack of bladder control.
written by Ni*k Pl*tt, approved by Matt