"Have you ever touched a BMW?" If you answer no, then it means you are too poor to have touched a BMW. If you answer yes, then it shall be revealed that BMW stands for Black Man's Willy. Hilarity, as ever, would ensue.
written by No*l G*rd*er, approved by Log

"Would you suck a black man's willy for a banana?"
"Would you suck a black man's willy for TWO bananas?"
"Well what WOULD you suck a black man's willy for, then?"

Hilarity will ensue, as assuredly as night follows day.
written by an*nym*us*user, approved by Phil

If the response is a well-thought-out 'I wouldn't suck a black man's willy for anything', this can be easily (if unimpressively) counteracted with 'Oh, so you would suck it for SOMETHING then.'
written by Br*nd*n Wa*ken, approved by Log