go to....
Nothing to do with Spectrums, but a basic, more edgy version of those rubbish Choose Your Own Adventure books your mum got. How 'Go to' worked was, in your Tricolore / History Now! / Whatever textbook, some benevolent genius would have written 'go to page 15' . Then on page 15, they would have written 'go to page 168', and so on, repeating the process, taking you on a thrilling journey through the text book, back and forth, hither and yon, always aware that you could be busted by the teacher at any time for being on the wrong page. At the end of the journey, the connisseur would have lead you to a fine rendering of a spunking cock or simply the words "Gayers flick through books."
The crap 'Go-to' er will merely direct you back to the first page number you started on, making the less obeservant participant go round and round in a circle, although this, to me, was a mark of cuntishness.
written by Su*an To*acco, approved by Log