Rubber rings
Gym apparatus. Seven inch diameter doughnuts, made from inch thick foam-rubber. I can't remember any of the games they were used for, or why we ever got them out, but I do remember the comforting feel of one of the rings when you put it down the front of your shorts.

These are actually known as quoits. Women and attentive male heterosexuals will know that they are eerily reminiscent of the neck of the cervix. Or the neck of the cervix is eerily reminiscent of a quoit. Whichever. -Susan.
written by Pa*l C*eese, approved by Log

Quoits are used for various cunning tortures including throwing one at point-blank range into Jamie's face, and rubbing the perished and cracked rubber in a sawing action on Jamie's head.

Before you begin to think that we were extremely cruel to Jamie, be advised that Jamie did ballet, was proud of it and once performed it in assembly in front of the whole school wearing tights.
written by an*nymo*s u*er, approved by Conor