Report for Nossidge Man
Approved stories2
Deleted stories (hidden) 4
SummaryMean Boy

Unfortunatly this practise became pointless after it was realised that with just a few strokes of a biro a mane of pubes could be created. It is true - I speak from experience - that a pair of hairy bollocks can never look like anything other than a pair of hairy bollocks, no matter how many swords it has in its hands.

Are you sure they weren't actually 'tourists' which sounded like 'terrorists' because of their accents? Second thoughts; they were German, and probably shagged each other's poo or something, and probably deserved it.

Oh yes! 'Tourists' would sound a bit like 'terrorists' with a German accent, wouldn't it, Nossidge Man! I suspect that could well have been the source of the confusion! Thanks for pointing that out!

Tune in next week when Nossidge Man explains that "what do you get when you cross a sheep and a kangaroo - a woolly jumper" is funny because sheep have wool and kangaroos can jump.

For fuck's sake. - Phil