Report for Abby Normal
Approved stories4
Deleted stories (hidden) 1
SummaryReprehensible Swot

In girl scouts, we had a song that went "Make new friends but keep the old; one is silver and the other is gold." which we promptly adapted to "Kick new friends but pee on the old; one is slimy and the other is mould." Don't ask.

Leah Williams once attempted to ostracise me from my peers by announcing that she'd seen a dog flea in my hair. I didn't own a dog, and she confessed that she'd planted the dog flea in my hair herself. This suggested that she had a ready supply about her person. I put this to the jury, but my rumoured flea had caught the class's imagination, and nobody wanted to bully her instead.

My equally popular brother and I ran the gauntlet up the hill to the school gates together every morning. On one occasion we were escorted part of the way by an obnoxious snotnose on a Chopper who wished to loudly examine various pejorative rumours - for instance, he correctly suggested that I had no pubes.
However, following a simple muttered accusation on my part, the snotnose slalomed hastily up the hill still shouting like a town crier, but instead of "Rosy's got a boyfriend" he was now earnestly protesting, "I'm not a heterosexual! I'm not!"
Ah, halcyon days...!!!1 at school!!!

Our RE teacher added, "I saw a circumcision once. It put me right off spaghetti hoops".