Grand Old Duke of York
Nickname of the school slapper - she had ten thousand men.
written by RL*M, approved by Phil

Also consider saying that the year slag has had "more helmets than Hitler" and "more pricks than a cactus". Not that Hitler had helmets, as such. And cacti don't really have pricks, come to think of it.
Anyway, to imply she's a whore, try "she's sold more shags than Carpet City".
written by Da* Smit*, approved by Susan

Vicki Caunt was known as 'The Windmill' because of the sackfuls of wild oats that she'd allegedly had.
- and then ground into flour inside her big hussy fanny by flailing her arms around in the wind. I suppose.
written by excluded pupil, approved by Ponky

Need I point out that Vicki Caunt becomes Vicki Cunt with a simple adjustment? What were you thinking when you came up with "The Windmill"?..DUHHH
Maybe it was a drama school. They like pretending to be trees and windmills and stuff. Grotbags from Emu's World lived in a windmill and she was a witch. Or was it the other one with the duck? - Ponky
written by Da*ren B*rr*tt, approved by Ponky