Ties Up
This can only be asked of someone who is wearing a tie and v-neck jumper:

"What does a ship do when it gets to the harbour?"

The answer is, of course, "ties up!", which you shout while swiftly tugging their tie from behind their jumper. Only really results in mild irritation, but it was a popular thing to do.

[log]If you see this one coming, try to pull off a daring reversal by shouting "drops anchor" and taking a really fast shit on their shoe[/log]
written by Al*n M*ller, approved by Susan

Actually, at our school, the question "what does a ship do when it arrives at the harbour?" was followed by the questioner immediately shouting "Ties up!" (while flicking the victim's tie up into their face) and "anchors down" (while stamping on their foot).

Saves all that fucking about dropping your trousers and trying to take a shit so fast the person doesn't have a chance to take a single step back and tell everyone you're being a full-blown bronno.
written by an*nymo*s use*, approved by Matt