upside down calculators : 55378008
There was a lady who was 69 (type 69) who wanted to be 22, (type 22) but the Doctor could only make her 25. (type 25) He gave her some pills and told her to take one (type 1), eight times (multiply by eight) a day, and when she woke up the next day, she found she was... (press equals, turn calculator upside-down)
written by Da*id B*il*y, approved by Log

We had a different version. There was a girl who was "13" and she wanted to be "84". When she was "45" she went to the doctors and the doctor said 'oh' ("0") take these pills "2" times ("x") a day but she took them "4" times (don't press times this time) and she ended up ("=")... If you miss out the "0" then the poor girl ends up "bobless"
written by an*nymo*s *ser, An*a *ill*ams, approved by Log