A: [puts 2 tips of index fingers together] "Cut the wire."
B: [separates the "wires" with his index finger]
A: "Your bum's on fire."
In response to the ruling of the cool kids that all boys had to support a football team, Gareth Gurd, a spoddy kid who knew nothing of cool or football, panicked. Thinking on his feet, he announced that he supported "Junkmey Rovers".
This ruse may have worked had he not attempted to converse with the cool kids about Junkmey's results. He finally came undone when he stated to Martin Bradshaw that they had recently thrashed Martin's team 15-nil.
And thus Junkmey Rovers, in spite of having no ground, players, kit or in fact existence of any kind, still had a fan who got his head kicked in on their behalf.
When said to a bearded teacher, will result in at least one detention. Come to think of it, you'd probably get a detention from a teacher without a beard, although they would probably look a little confused.
Advice given to my entire senior school on how to deal with bullies. In a folder. With instructions. Quote...
"If someone is bullying you or making you feel bad, just shout no! at them as loud, and as long as you can. Try practicing this in front of a mirror."
"If this doesn't work, go and tell a teacher, who will take you and the bully to the head, where you will both be questioned."
Worst - advice - ever. Especially considering that the bullies were given the same folder. The bullies must have dreamed of the day that a runt would scream "NOOOOOOOOOOOO!" at them. Or better still, find the runt practicing in front of a mirror. Adults are shit.